
tempo de preparo


60 minutos


14 porçoes
gramas por porção

Gramas por Porção

17 g

Ingredientes de: Grissinis (Limpar)

check uncheck 90,0 gramas de Amêndoa
check uncheck 95,0 gramas de Amido de milho
check uncheck 3,0 colheres (sopa) de Azeite de oliva extravirgem
check uncheck 35,0 mililitros de Leite de coco Menina
* Esta receita pode conter sugestões de marcas somente para referência para o cálculo das informações nutricionais. Fique à vontade para escolher o produto do fornecedor ou fabricante que você preferir.

Como fazer Grissinis Ingredients (20 breadsticks) 1 cup almond flour 1 cup arrowroot starch 1 tsp salt 2 tsp oregano 3 tsp extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for brushing 1/2 cup coconut milk 1 tsp garlic powder Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 170C/340F. 2. In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients to make a smooth, uniform ball. 3. Prepare a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper, then place a spoonful or so of olive oil on top of the parchment paper and spread it around the baking tray with your hands. 4. With oiled hands, take a small ball of mixture (about an inch in diameter), knead it between your hands for about ten seconds, then carefully roll it into a 6-inch long stick, about a quarter-inch in diameter. 5. Oil your hands again, then repeat this for the remaining breadstick mixture. 6. Place the breadsticks on the baking tray (they won’t expand in size very much, so you can place them quite close together) and sprinkle with flaky sea salt. 7. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown. Let cool for at least half an hour, then enjoy!

Informações Nutricionais de Grissinis

Gramas por Porção: 17 g

  • Calorias 78,67 kcal
  • Carboidratos 7,81 g
  • Proteínas 1,24 g
  • Gorduras Totais 4,94 g
  • Gord. Saturadas 0,71 g
  • Gord. Trans 0,00 g
  • Fibras 0,79 g
  • Sódio 18,53 mg

Informações nutricionais oferecidas por Logo do Tecnonutri

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